Hello all you Beautiful and Intelligent people. my name is Noble.
I really enjoy my music, some of my favourite genres and sub's
DnB (Pendulum, Prodigy etc.)
Liquid - you can find this on youtube on pages such as Liquicity and AlongCameLiquid, it's really goo if you just want to smoke weed or something..
now theres something i've recently picked up and it's called "IanBorg"
if you'd like to have a listen of it type in "LTR - Idealism" on youtube, i really enjoy that song. i think his youtube is ltr94 or something like that, and you can go onto his soundcloud site to download some of his tunes, i'm personally nnot going to illegally download his music simply because i'm really passionate towards it.
so i was wondering, if anyone would like to make a Liquid track or ianborg track with me just leave a reply, and if your up for it, and if you have done this before please tell me the programs and ill buy them straight away.