Introvert to an extent, I don't really trust anyone cause people are shady as fuck. Have my close friends who I can trust with anything and my other friends who I just hangout with at school.
I'm a 100% introvert apparently to some online survey that I took.
Seems just about right to me, I hate groups of people, and prefer solitary instead of big groups and shiz.
Lol, i'm such a socialite it's not even funny. I don't know why but i'm friends with everyone i meet and everyone always wants to include me in everything they do. Same with how my parents were when they were kids.
I would consider myself an introvert, but I'm also a extrovert to a certain extent.
I like to be by myself. But I also like to be with my friends occasionally. Reality is just depressing. I find myself more comfortable and happy when I'm alone, although once I feel too lonely I just hangout with my friends the following day.