iPhone 7?


Thoughts about the iPhone 7? What do you think will be the new features? Could the phone possible be even bigger? Or will it be smaller?
I hate big phones, hence me having the iPhone 5s still, so I'm hoping it isn't any bigger.
There's rumor that its going to be the same size as the IPhone 6s Plus. I have no clue what they plan to add next because they are already bigger, faster, and the new IPhone 6s has the force touch.
Ambien said:
That shit better fly, but imma still get it lol

lol thats what i'm thinking dude. Like it seriously better fly. But honestly I have a 6 + amd I love that size, so I hope they just add some new shit to do when your bored you know?
Bigger the screen better the porn.
I'm more excited to hear about the rumored iPhone 5se, I want to see that.
For those who haven't heard the rumors: It's rumored that Apple will be releasing a iPhone 5se, rumors state that it will be the same size as the iPhone 5s (hence being the 5se) but it will have specs updated to compete with the 6s, or more than likely with the 7. It's really intriguing to me because I really like the size of the 5s, but the size of the 6 & 6s isn't bad either so I don't know. I'm just curious to see if Apple will release a smaller phone, it would be cool to see them do that. I believe that it's rumored that they will announce the 5se and some sort of upgraded iPad (or MacBook? I forget what the other product rumored to be announced is) this month, or next. So look out for that!

The iPhone 7 is rumored to not have an audio jack, and a USB-C charging port. While the USB-C charging port would be neat to see, it's also kinda shitty because the lightning cable is still relatively new. I also wish they would stop trying to make phones so thin that they have to remove features. It's rumored that they will not include a headphone jack on the iPhone 7 because the 3mm jack is quite large on the phone and keeps them from making it thinner. It's already so thin that the camera has to pop out, it's good. I would be okay with a phone that's a little bit thicker especially if it means that it has a camera that doesn't stick out, and has a 3mm audio jack.

I'm so excited for WWDC 2016!
I'm really hoping they aren't going to go with more "bigger but slimmer."

What I'd really like to see is improved battery life, currently I have to charge my phone 2-3x a day to make it from morning to late at night.