iPhone Vs iPad


Apples most 2 popular products are iPhone and iPad. Which one is your favourite between them?
iPhone for a few reasons. It has more features than the iPad (Calling, texting, etc.) and the iPad doesn't have many good iPad apps, so apps always come on the small screen (If you have an iPad, you will know what I'm talking about).
IPhone. As much as I want an Ipad (I can't say way, I just do. Bandwagon appeal! ) it's just a bigger Iphone. And, a smaller computer. Just buy a small little Windows/Linux Laptop, and probably save money v.s whatever the Ipad can do, plus more.
Iphone vs Ipad, Bijaybd. And, why is it bad for kids to have phones? If you as a parent can limit their usage, so they don't get too sucked in, it's fine.
I'd have to say the iPhone. Its much smaller and I think it does much about the same thing as the iPad. Its also very slim and has some neat features.
Iphone you would have if you are not home as much. Ipad if you are home and relaxing much.

- kerex132
I would pick iPhone because:

1. You can call with it
2. You can put it in your pocket
3. You can text with it
4. The screen is smaller which means it's more portable
5. It looks cooler IMO
theres obviously a bigger lead with the iphone, in many ways, not to mention its updated way more frequently then the ipad giving it a slight edge over it.
I prefer iPhone, because it's smaller than iPad and I can use that instead of phone, but I can't use computer instead of iPad because the computer have a lot of more opportunities, plus I can call and SMS with iPhone.
For this one i prefer the Iphone more because you can do almost everything with the Iphone you can do with the Ipad, like go browsing the internet with WIFI, go to youtube, use windows live messenger, download applications and with the iphone you can send messages and call people wich u can't do with the Ipad,
iPhone. Iphone, you can call. iPad is oversize. Iphone is way better than iPad
iPhone. Iphone, you can call. iPad is oversize. Iphone is way better than iPad
iPhone. Iphone, you can call. iPad is oversize. Iphone is way better than iPad
i prefer the iphone aswell because the ipad is to big and you cant really take it out with you. the iphone can pretty much do every thing the ipad can do
I choose Iphone, well Ipad, It seems cool, but overall a waste of money! It isn't even a computer, it offers mail, safari, calendar, ibook, maps, app store, ipad, ect. Which is great but you already can do that on your iphone.
I prefer to have an Ipad because it has more functions than having an iphone.

The iPhone 3GS is available with either a 16GB or 32 GB flash drive. The iPad offers both of those configurations, in addition to a roomier 64GB version
I'd have to say the iPhone. Why? Because it's much smaller and can do much about the same things as the iPad. The iPad is a bit neat but it's harder to carry around. Instead with the iPhone you can slip it into your pocket.
Lol y are comparing iphone and ipad. Iphone is a high end phone whereas Ipad is a tablet. Both have many difference. U cant say which is the best. Both have their own characteristics.
iPhone is extremely thin (only 11.6 millimeters thick) but wider and longer than many comparable devices. The display area is a 3.5-inch wide screen multi-touch interface with unusually high resolution (160 pixels per inch). Unlike most other smartphones, iPhone does not use a hardware keyboard or a stylus. To navigate, a user uses multiple taps and drags to navigate through a mobile version of Apple's OS X operating system. Like iPod, iPhone synchronizes data with a user's personal computer, using iTunes as a client software and Apple's proprietary USB port. iPhone
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