Is money everything?

deepa gurung

Money is very essential in our day to day life.It's very difficult to survive without money.So do you think money is only everything?
For me money isnt everything. Yes we do need money to survive. That's why I have to go to work. I dont particularly like my work but it does pay the bills so Im enduring it. Money can bring me happiness because I can buy all the material things that I like. But when it comes to love, that's where I draw the line. Even if the person has all the money in the world he will never buy me with his riches if I dont love him.
I would put it this way, money is an essential thing in life. We have to work for it. There is no reason why nobody would need it. But to say that money is everything is not acceptable. There are things in life more important than money. We all know it and I think no one will disagree about this.
deepa gurung said:
Money is very essential in our day to day life.It's very difficult to survive without money.So do you think money is only everything?

Money is not everything but it is the most important thing that we need in our life. Money is important but it is not the purpose of life.
In my view money is not everything in life as it is very essential to be alive a there are other like love.
I think money is everything but just a mean of war at the same time ! Depends how you use it and depends on your way of look to it !
Money isn't everything. It cannot replace our family, friends, and partners. Even our pets can give us happiness even without money. It is important, yes, but when we die, we cannot take every single cent that we own to our graves. It is how we spent our lives with our loved ones and friends which will leave our mark.
deepa gurung said:
Money is very essential in our day to day life.It's very difficult to survive without money.So do you think money is only everything?

I think money is important but i think that good friends and family are more important because true friends will help you even if you have no money
yes i think money is everything. it i very powerful things in this today's world.
without it no one can be alive.
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