Is this the death of private servers?

Is it the end?

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Onyx user!
Well with the wilderness and free trade coming back, there is really no use for glitch private servers any more. So what do you guys think? Is it the end?
i don't think so. people still want that old feeling of pking without all this new crap.
Justin said:
i don't think so. people still want that old feeling of pking without all this new crap.

Yes, true. And the old graphics. But the private servers will lost many of their members.
Hate said:
Yes, I think so. Some of the best pkers of Battlescape are coming back to RuneScape, for example.

Thank you for nominating me! :happy2:

I will be coming back to runescape once these updates have been applied.
Yes I think so, But I hope it doesn't. I go back to private servers every now and then when I'm bored of rs.
I can see why new weapons will make it crap on rs, and the new prayer book. I think maybe some of the bigger servers will survive.
oh god, i can see it now. varrock wildy will have 10+ clawers on each popular pking world.
Private servers will never die, since private servers were played even when the wilderness was up.
Private Servers are special.

They will never die out, of course they might lose a bit of their players but they will never die out.

P.S. Make a PrivateServer that does not have wildy. xD
No way, people still want to be like maxed in all skills and PK, without loosing any items of worth.
No, they will not die out. There had been private servers back when old wilderness still existed. They will always be there. Just wait until FaGeX comes out with a new update that's garbage. Private servers will be populated again. Plus people don't like working for their skills as hard as they should. So they resort to private servers. They will always be in the background.
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