When people comment on threads about accounts saying stuff like "I can bot that in like 3 months." "I can bot that in a day." No one gives any fucks. Some people actually play the game legitly, and you cheating is not something to brag about.
Chewbaka said:I agree with you. When I played legit, it was actually fun. Now I just sit here and do nothing while botting. Also, about 60% of the botters, baby sit their bots.
Legit is more fun than botting
Will said:I hate seeing this too, but I think people say this just to make them self feel better about them selves. I also think all botting/cheating (anything against jagex's COD) shouldn't be allowed here. Even though I sadly bot every now and then.
Oxide said:@^^
2nd and 3rd link down