iTunes Account.

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Power member.
Anyway to make an iTunes account without a payment method ?

Any help i appreciated.
VCC is the best way as @Shift stated.
Well, anyone know someone with a Vcc
Hysteria said:
Well, anyone know someone with a Vcc

They're pretty easy to make. Just head over to and make one.
I do.

Go to itunes, go to the skype app, click install, and create your account

Something like that. I remember it worked a long time ago, I am unsure if it still works
I never had to have a payment method to make mine. I may sell mine if you'd like. Haha.
Yes, sign out of your account and then go to download a free app, when it asks you to sign in, hit sign up or create new account. There you go.
thanks everyone, @boost gave me a link to a tutorial.
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