I've found a chat box that doesn't slow down the site...

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Active Member
Link: http://community.mybb.com/thread-63559.html

Info: You can use this chatbox for your hosting to save bandwidth,CPU usage and relaxative for chating.

More info:

ChangUonDyU - Extra File Chatbox
version 3.6.0

- Using file system as database (hosted on same host or other host)
- Smilies clickable
- BadWord Censorship
- Manage chatbox by command (prune, ban/unban user, change notice)
- Save your text format by cookie

- Upload chatbox folder to your host (CHMOD 777 all .txt file in this folder)
- Upload changfcb.php file to inc/plugins
- Upload changfcb.lang.php file to your language folder
- Goto AdminCP > Plugins > Install & Activate (ChangUonDyU - Extra File Chatbox)
- AdminCP > Settings > ChangUonDyU - Extra File Chatbox set your chatbox URL
- Edit index template
Add below
DONE !!!

Many options in chatbox/config.php, you can edit this file to change settings
- Command (can change in config.php)
/notice - remove notice
/notice <message> - set notice
/prune - prune all message
/prune <userid> <reason> - prune all message by user
/ban <userid> <reason> - ban user in chatbox
/unban <userid> <reason> - unban user
- Change Timezone in config.php

You can access tools.php to manage: Smilies, Bad word, Banned users, Change notice (default password is 123456, you can change in config.php)

Download: http://community.mybb.com/attachment.php?aid=17079
I've used this quite a few times, I personally don't like it.
It looks ugly but has cool features. I would suggest putting it on it's own custom page and not in the forum index.
A chatbox is a chatbox
Hopefully it will be used
Don't get a shoutbox. They decrease activity on posts and their content doesn't get indexed so it doesn't even help the site with listings on Google. To add to that, most forum owners on a site I go on say that shoutboxes are the death of the forums.
If Uzi didn't know they actually make shoutboxes for Mybb.
Personally I would love to see a Shoutbox added. Allows the users to get to know each other more. You could always add a post limit to get into the shoutbox so there will not be users who first join heading straight for the shoutbox.
The reason a shoutbox is not on is it kills forum posting. People will be more intrested in chatting than posting.
I'm just repeating what you have all previously stated; Uzi Gaming is lacking a shoutbox for one simple reason, it kills forum posting. An alternative to a shoutbox would be the Private Messaging system, and at the moment, that's the closest Uzi Gaming will have to a shoutbox for the time being.​


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