I've found the perfect merch, 247%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 3.9B)


Power member.
I already bought out as much as I can afford, and I'm already making extremely decent profit after one ge update.

Looking for 4-5 people with 200m-1B to do a small merch with, the items been stable for 180 days, after 29 days, you can double your money, by doing absolutely nothing.

I will not be releasing the item, PM me if you have the above cash open to merch for 7-30 days.

The item is extremely hard to get, almost discontinued.

PM me if you are interested.

Current Merch Power : 3.9B
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days

Does this item buy and sell regularly?
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days

Can I know just for the sake of knowing? Just wondering. Seems like one of those things that someone would say "I have the type of job I can tell you all about, but can't tell you what we do"

RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days

Is it non-obtainable anymore? Such as a rare? Or is it just extremely hard/rare to get such as a Divine?
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days

I've got 50m I can spend on merching... if you need that hit me up.
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days

Chewbaka said:
Does this item buy and sell regularly?

No, it took me almost two days to obtain all of it.
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days

Automatic Coding said:
I have the cash but I don't trust you.

There was no need to say that, i don't get why you did? To start trouble?
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

I am going to try this out. Thanks for advice
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

i've got 400m or so, pm'd you.
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days

Ireppgold said:
There was no need to say that, i don't get why you did? To start trouble?

No, to get him to give me a long speech on why I should trust him then beg for me to invest, then after I posted I remembered it was carbon.
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

Just throw me a PM, I just sold all my crap so I can buy out more.

With my item, every time the GE updates (4 hours) I make 9.8m
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

I can prob whip up 130m. I'll pm u anywayz
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

Carbon said:
I already bought out as much as I can afford, and I'm already making extremely decent profit after one ge update.

Looking for 4-5 people with 200m-1B to do a small merch with, the items been stable for 180 days, after 29 days, you can double your money, by doing absolutely nothing.

I will not be releasing the item, PM me if you have the above cash open to merch for 7-30 days.

The item is extremely hard to get, almost discontinued.

PM me if you are interested.

Current Merch Power : 670m

I have about 180m atm. Could I do this?
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

I take it this is either: Virtus items, Pernix items, Torva items? Correct?
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

I have 250m, i pmed u, please msn me.
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 210%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 670m)

PMed everyone who pmed me, you have 48 hours to buy out as much as possible before I release the item to the public.
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 247%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 2.7B)

24 hours left until we release the identity of the item to everyone.
RE: I've found the perfect merch, 247%+ every 30 days(Total Invested : 2.7B)

Dykerosoft said:
24 hours left until we release the identity of the item to everyone.

...and I am guessing you guys will dump before the public too?
That's how the pyramid scheme works.