It's a tough decision. I've been leaning towards the Samsung Series 7, because it's a beautiful computer, but the other two are good buys as well.
The ASUS has 250GB less HDD space, but it has a 660M. The MSI G series has a 660M as well. But the Samsung only has a 640M. But is there really a difference? The samsung also has a slightly faster i7 precessor.
The MSI seems to be the best buy, and it's the cheapest, but I've read tons of MIXED reviews about them. The samsung would be the safe choice.
Personally, I would go with the Samsung. And I agree with you about it looking much better than the other two. It is still a pretty good price for what you are getting as well and not that much more than the MSI.
I am sure there are others on the forum that can give you some better input than I did.
If you can get a desktop i would get one, i prefer my desktop over my laptop but then you can't take a desktop anywhere you want like a laptop. Tough decisions...
Also with the Msi u get 1gb more dedicated vidram and 250gb more hardribe with a .2 lower ghz... You also have that wonderful turbo boost which boosts ur ghz on the msi
The benefit of the bigger screen is you see more of the work you are doing shows for example coding or even if u want to play a game here or there... Multiple application views same time...
Mike, the samsung has the same hard drive as the MSI. And they both have 2.3GHz processors, but the samsung's processor is slightly faster. Buy yes the MSI has a 660M while the samsung has a 640M. But really what would the difference be? The MSI is running a 17 inch screen with a 660m, while the samsung is running a 640M on a 15.6 inch screen.
More VRAM ill show you sooner or later and convince you what the better laptop is slightly faster.. I didn't read the Samsung to have anti glare screen the Msi does ;$