Jagex should make a new update

First off, I don't really know if I should have put this in the botting discussion or not.

Jagex should make a update for the economy of runescape!

as you know this is just one of the main drops, the shark went from a high of 1.2k each to a pitiful 380Each and still declining.

Jagex should make a update so fishing isn't available for a week or 2 , same with other skills aha.

thoughts on this idea + declining of economy.

The reason is because im so sad When sharks were rising, In 1 month i made 58m just botting at the end. I would have had way more if I didn't spend while botting also but 58m cash stack is sick and atm im struggling to have a 10m cash stack

Gold pieces are raising in value. Isn't that good if you have 58M gp?
Woops just edited I ment to say before they dropped, i was even making good money at 88 fishing when sharks where 800 each :| and now it's sad, and how can gold peices be raising in value?
not even in real life trade because i remember when i played 1m=7$ or something like that or 5$.

Economics tip 101: The more cash in circulation the less it's worth.

SO like if the mint/federal reserve or treasury or w/e its called keeps making more money currency goes down just like in rs i think..

Because were always getting new stuff in circulation like from monsters/alching

How would it be stupid? I don't see anything but benefit for me? please elaborate!
Jagex can't shutdown a skill for a week or two. Well they can, but they wont. Many people would leave the game, I think.
If you want prices just tell them to start bot busting like crazy at fishing guild/LRC
I know, but I don't want to encourage bot busting because it could happen to me and its hypocritical, as I am a pretty hefty botter
lol well that wouldn't be a terrible idea but the economy wouldn't adapt well to it. It would just cause a sharp increase then decrease again until it stabilized.
I am ok with prices dropping seeing as I do not bot at all, and I need sharks for fighting.
@"Justin", I'm actually really enjoying the G.E. Though it has taken out my old way of money making it makes so easy to get supplies especially in low quantity. Makes leveling very easy!
That is true i forget how i played without the GE but it is helpful but does mess with the prices, but still wouldn't really help sharks i need sharks for fighting too, but when i fish them i make my money!!! I need some good bots we need a updated money making bots thingy sticky!
wale said:
@"Justin", I'm actually really enjoying the G.E. Though it has taken out my old way of money making it makes so easy to get supplies especially in low quantity. Makes leveling very easy!

I think the GE ruined the whole point of RS.

Standing outside Varrock West bank on World 1 or 2 spamming, "Buying Lobsters 250 gp each" or "Buying iron 150 gp each." It might have been boring, but hey, i rather have that then the GE.
Well I guess I was young and new to the game at that point so I just found it irritating and never took advantage of it. Now that I've got money and need to buy supplies so often I can just teleport to the G.E. put in an offer over night and boom.
I miss this shit right here^^
Well, you bot youreself. You CAN'T complain. You do make some money without effort. But think about those who play legit, and does the same. There's for you nothing to complain about imo.
Or we could all hit the sell for +5% because with PK'ing back, sharks are at HIGH demand, and people will buy them no matter what.
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