Jagex's new bot detection system


Onyx user!
Jagex claim they're going to be really cracking down on botters, claiming that they "will catch" the bots.

All that is basically telling me is that if you have been caught by the "bot busters", you will have any account under your I.P. investigated which could lead to more bans for you. It doesn't really seem like a new bot detection method at all, just simply saying "If you get caught, we will fuck all of your accounts".

I am not worried.
hope jagex not doing this the would crash, the game online is like 50% bots..
Wow. I'm done botting.
Not even worth the risk.
I find it funny how they act like badasses though.
You people do realize that this is nothing new?

All they are saying is if you are caught botting by these bot buster skids, there is a chance you will have more accounts under the same I.P. investigated.

Meaning, if you gold farm on your I.P. (which you'd be a moron to do anyway), you will have the account that all the money is going to get banned as well.

I also love how they act like they have some secret method to linking accounts... How hard is it to match up the accounts playing on the same I.P..

I'd also like to remind you that they have been claiming to do this for the longest time and I have never had any problems after my main was banned.
Every company does that saying they would find a way to cut down on hackers/botters but really it dosn't work.

-and i just came back because i forgot about this website O_O-
Could just be a way to Scare off Botters? + i think ill stop for a few weeks, we will see how many people get banned on rs
They can't even detect most bots, except shitty free ones.

the only way they catch you is if you fuck up when an update comes, or playing like 24/7
iam not gona stop botting for this fagex dont scare me. GET ME FAGEX IF YOU CAN!.
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