jasc animation


Onyx user!
first download it


2nd get the pictures save to desktop and name them 1 2 3 or something like that so u know the order.

3rd hit file then animation wizard

then just do the settings u want ( i just click next XD )

then choose the pictures in order as u can see t te tes test is what i did if they dont go in order use the move buttons ( anyone should know that )


go back into jasc animator get ur picture(s) then folo the pretty pictures (when has black square around it thats what u need to use)

go into edit

choose by name out of the things u wana do ( do inserts dont worrie about apply it does it for u )

here is a immage effect set ur frames and speed and what effect itl show in the preview above

same thing for text effects but type what you want it to say and color and what u want it do do and dont forget font ( see were the red square is on my example click it to switch colors )

remember u can add more than 1 thing if u do it right and u can use both effects at once!

finish product (used rotate colors under immage effects )

Wow this actually looks pretty sick. Not gunna lie here.
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