Welcome to JasperKVs COD & GTAV Recovery Services. These services are for Xbox360.
GTA V Recovery:
Full Package: $15
Unlimited Redos Protection: $20
Unlock All: $5
Any Rank (5-8000): $5
Any amount cash(max 300MILL to prevent any bans): $5
GTAV Online Non Recovery Cash Drop: $0.75 per minute. (Max 3 hours)
Call of Duty Black Ops #2:
Full Package: $15
Custom Prestige & Rank: $5
Custom Stats: $5
Zombie Cash: $5
Anything Else: $5
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2:
Full Package: $5
Infections: $1
Any rank & prestige: $4
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3:
Full Package: $10
XP Lobby: $2
Unlock All: $4
Any Rank/Prestige: $4
Call of Duty Advance Warfare:
Full Package: $25
Any Rank/Prestige: $15
Any Stats: $5
Unlock All: $5
Reset Stats: $5
Redo Protection: $10
Extra Details:
All accounts will be done on a fresh KV and then KV will be deleted afterwards.
All accounts can be streamed privately while completing them.
All prices are in USD.
All payments must be sent as gift with "I understand there are no refunds" in notes.
All accounts will be completed within 24/48 hours after payment.
Payment Methods:
*Website with Autobuy Options coming soon*
Vouch Copies: (1)