Getting Jealous with your co-worker may lead you to do some unwanted things to him. Jealousy is always a bad habit and it is like a devil, we must give it up. But it is quite natural to get a little bit Jealous with our friend, if he is achieved a lot in his life compared with you. But this kind of Jealousy don't give any good things are benefits to you, so learn to get rid from it and think about the factor which made him to get the success.
Ask with your friend about his secret success and try your best to follow his way to get the success. Don't use your brain in a bad way due to your jealousy, it will give some unwanted problem to you. If you have a friendly move and ask the reason from your friend with a calm manner, surely he will share the success story and reason with you and help you to achieve your target. This kind of nature only help you to get success. So don't get jealousy with your friends, and learn from their success and try your maximum to achieve the same success. Take your successful friend as your role model, instead of getting Jealous on them.