Hello! And welcome to jmczeeys merchanting thread.
I have created this thread for anyone wishing to merchant, and make money successfully through the grand exchange in runescape with no knowledge of the database whatsoever!
every so often i will edit this op with an item which is good for flipping.
ill also be posting some tips and hints on merchanting.
please feel free to add to this thread
Tip: two versions of items which are easily changed by you with little investmeant can be good for profits, regularly check uncharged jewelry and other items of that nature.
Hint: if you can afford a rare item for longterm investmeant, it is advisable, rare items get rarer, in 2009 - early 2010 blue party hats where worth about 200-300m you would be lucky today to pick one up for 4 billion.
free to play items
green d'hide body (g) ~ {profits vary, however this item is a quick flipper!} [EDIT] just bought at mid and sold for 300k ea, 2:30 am gmt 27 - 01 - 12
red spiders eggs ~ { around 100gp ea}
yew logs ~ { 25k limit, however again a quick flipper }
corrupt battle axe ~ {untested, trusted source has told me its a quick f2p money maker}
Pay to play
guthans set (the box thing)
saradomin sword
brine sabre
like i said, feel free to post any items you find good to flip, sharing is caring!
feel free to join my f,c in game for any questions @ jmczeey