Joke Thread


Im really bored now, and i thought some jokes would help. If you have a FUNNY joke to share, feel free to post it. And PLEASE no anti-jokes
What is the difference between a white pornstar and a black pornstar?
the white chicks on the front page if playboy while the negro is on the cover of national geographic..
Why do black people call each other brotha?
Because they don't know who their father is.

How do you get a jewish girl's phone number?
Look at her arm.

How do you pick up a jewish girl?
With a broom and a dust pan.
What's the difference between a Indian and a bench?
a bench can support a family of 4.
How many admins does it take to choose good mods?
Obviously more then two.
Why are men like cars?
Because they always pull out before they check to see if anyone else is cumming.
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