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Power member.
Why was the user "Josh" Banned? He was the most legit person on fk and super, super chill! BTW, fk needs to re-add
Famous said:
Why was the user "Josh" Banned? He was the most legit person on fk and super, super chill! BTW, fk needs to re-add

he scammed me 50$ so he got banned
Famous said:
Thank you bro! When did they put it back up?

Not to be a dick quad, but why are you still here? I like you and all but after getting demoted from staff why did you stay?

im sorry did i join this site to be a staff member? not to be a dick but who are you? and whos quad?
@MDG4 I am not trying to hate or have problems with you, but how did you get the "Grammar Nazi" award? You don't even have perfect grammar :-/
MDG4 said:
i ran the fk news with perfect grammar back in the day just because i dont try when i type doesnt mean im illiterate

Oh, makes sense to me. What happened to the News Crew?
Please don't go Off-Topic. Josh was banned for scamming. Next time, ask a Staff or check the bans.php page
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