RE: gunnar's new shop
Carson said:
Goodluck with sales mr gunnar!!
Thank you for replying to my shop.
Deck said:
GLWS i might be interested in a kik or ig but i have no $$ atm
LMK if you get money and are interested. BTC only.
wayne said:
i bid $50 on the 3rd instagram to start things off pretty nice shop u got there gunnar glws
I already have an $80 offer by @'joy' I believe.
BasedGod said:
Please PM me the IGs and the Pokemon Twitter thanks
GLWS hella broke boys
If you are interested, you can PM me.
Gmail said:
I'll do 85$ pp rn I'll go first for the Kik
I am not sure if you can read or not.
Clearly states BTC ONLY.
Ace said:
If the Tumblr is not for sale, please tell me! If not, I have cash right now.
Not sure what tumblr you are referring to.
Considering there are none listed.
Bowl said:
Looking to buy @Turns lemme know how much, i got $40 BTC right now and an @ to go along to with he BTC.
You can PM me your offer.
Thank you.