Just Received Kirby Swag and Rare Charmander!!

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Kev said:
Wow. The Rare Charmander just lost it's value. First Kirby gives it to Durantula (no offense but there are tons of more HQ members like Tupac, Bowser, etc.) and now he gives it to someone that spams LQ posts everywhere...

Couldn't have said it better myself, 100% agreed.
No offense to anybody who has it though.
Chemical said:
Stop Hating Kev GTFO and stop hating

I pointed out a simple fact about how the award lost value. The award is intended for the 10 most HQ members.

That would be someone who takes pride in their posts and remembers quality over quantity.
Chemical said:
Yeah Kev You Jealous Me and Durantula have it and you dont GTFO

Chill man, out of this, you want to be on Kev's side lmao

kev is chill af, nice dude too!
Some one should hook me up with an another award.. i want 2 lol
Durantula said:
why do you always have some long ass paragraph response that no one wants to read.

Because he's high quality and can actually type a lot with out his brain quitting like yours.
Cypher said:
Because he's high quality and can actually type a lot with out his brain quitting like yours.

Hey there Cypher! Wanna beg me for $20 again?
I sense a huge argument coming up soon.

Let's see what this thread started.
Honestly All I Did Was just post about me receiving awards And All of Sudden it turns into a huge argument and people fucking report my rep at least make it neutral like Sanctuary I lost 21 rep cause of stupid ass shit
Cypher said:
Because he's high quality and can actually type a lot with out his brain quitting like yours.

Best response I've seen in a while. About time somebody stepped up.
LOl Kev Let's Be Cool Were in the same group and shit Let's just be cool and not hate </3
Durantula said:
I am going to ignore Slacker so I don't get another 3 paragraphs I have to read...

Congrats on the awards, adding mine to those wouldn't look bad
Lol no one wants a fucking reward you gotta purchase man that is the exact opposite meaning of what an award is supposed to be lolz
And you aren't ignoring me sir, don lie you are tired of having your sister stand next to you and read what i type with your illiterate ass lulz =)
I think my one insult on Durantula deserves me a MOAB.

Boom, but me and Durantula are friends now. ;D

Did you just call me illiterate after that shit you just typed?
Damnation said:
If you weren't aware, Durantula goes hard on posts, awards, groups, rep ect.
He has an e-penis that would tear you wide open.
he shares his penis with his brother though.

Also, Slacker4Staff
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