kasteen has marquis kenneys account

members please don't be fooled by this child he has two aim accounts talking to kasteen saying his friend spencer sold the account this kid is trying to break away with three accounts rather then the two that were traded to him. don't worry kasteen is taking pics of the conversation. scammer i shake my head at you.
now your saying it is orbitz first it was your friend spencer then it was og gt on aim what are you trying to pull with you partner in crime. you were given two accounts for your vortex now you are trying to break away with your original account. you are no better then the kids that call in their gamertag after they sell it shame on you and you still keep the lies up
orbitz/og gt/spencer same thing im useing his account to say what i have to say u guys have no rights holding my account i will prove its my account ask me any question lil b
yes tell ms how you tried to sell your account but got trapped in your web of lies. no you will call ms and say some kid hacked my account typical scum do as you please but kasteen has done nothing to you
kid as i said you want all the accounts you were traded two accounts for your vortex account now you want it back. but because you cant get it you call ms saying your account was stolen.Your no good you were not happy with two accounts you wanted you original back. greedy scam shame

you dont see your lie you just said in the post the lady asked you question about your account but the title says kasteen stole marquis kenneys account so its you all along there is no other person but you.

They were wrong you are Obviously FUC*ing Og Gt on aim.
You are embarrasing your-self . Go Hackforums SCAMMER.

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