KIK: 50

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Washed IG Plug
Please appraise the kik 50 thanks broski's
$50-100 who would want to be known as "50" anyways?
Dark0 said:
$50-100 who would want to be known as "50" anyways?
Holy shit, that was a good laugh. I'd say probably around 400 is a good price for this as it is one of the better 2 numbers
Dark0 said:
$50-100 who would want to be known as "50" anyways?

Shit like this really drives up my blood pressure
⁢Panther said:
i think that you should become less autistic but that might just be me
why are you talking to me pink panther? you're a fucking 2015 nub
He cracked on your ass^
Appraisal probably around 300.
$300 cause I sold my dank 2 number for that a while ago. the kik market is inflated. If you find the arab plugs you could get a lot more tho
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