Kik and email


Active Member
Looking to sell a few things. I have more items and will update if I can get these sold.

Kik: Suggest

bin 10

Both are negotiable so no need to tell me the bins are too high.

Stop offering me trades unless its actually worth my time.
Are you accepting trades? If so lmk. Ill give u a nice semi and a decent kik for that kik- suggest

hmu on kik- chez
we will pm if we have a deal.
Might grab this email from you, I'll let you know.
I want this kik. Its nice AF. Lmk if your trading.
Still selling. Id really like to get rid of them. Id take 8 for estimate.
What is the current offer on Suggest? I'll see what I have in Paypal.
@Sam, once I sell something I'll offer. I like the Kik.
If I get the funds soon I will make an offer on that kik.
Offering $12 for both. Lmk if I'm out-bidded.
shark bait said:
hmm what are you taking btc or paypal at all?

I would take either of those. PM me if you are really interested.
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