KIK Giveaway


Doing a giveaway for this 3 char KIK.


Pick any open spot below and once all are filled I will generate the winning number via

1. @Ellis
2. @Explosive
3. @Hansel
4. @lolwut
5. @Gym
6. @AA
7. @Jukebox
8. @Trace
9. @Indianapolis
10. @TheFlow
I'll take spot number six. Thanks for the giveaway.
ill take number 2 thanks for hosting this giveaway dude
number 3 please and thank youuuuuuu
I'll take #5 please!
Thanks for the giveaway.
yo illIll take #7

Thanks man! :
#3 won! Congrats @Hansel PM'ing you now. I will more than likely do more of these.
Mischief said:
#3 won! Congrats @Hansel PM'ing you now. I will more than likely do more of these.

Congratulations on the winner!
Thanks for the contest, it was really appreciated!

Have a good one,
Damn I need a kik so bad too xD no numbas left ;( anyway gl erryone
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