Kik giveaway!

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Power member.
3rd, 5th, and 12th poster on this thread get one of the following 3 kiks;

Z8U - @Towel (3rd)
7833 - @coltie2 (5th)
8841 - @Gym (12th)

3rd will get first choice, 5th will get second, and so on. K good luck babes.
My computer too laggy for me to do this, but nice giveaway!
edit: i did not win this ((((((((((((((((((
I'm going to change it to the 12th poster gets the last kik, just because i'm the 10th and it's been stuck at 9 for 10 minutes haha.
All kiks have been won and claimed. Congrats to the winners and thanks to the participants. ) will be hosting more giveaways soon!
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