kik : huge?


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I do not own this kik at all, it is not mine, it belongs to @p*n, aka Gary. I just wanted to know how much it was worth. Please post and give me an idea of what you think it is worth. He said 200$ Amazon. I might buy it. Just wanting to know how much I am getting ripped off by when I do..
Lmao don't go first and no kik is worth $200 he is going to scam you I bet
lmfao he probably thinks your a retard, dont go first and the kik is not worth 200$ , hope everything goes god
That guy is a known moron.
Do not go first and dont pay any more than $60 for it.

I have to say when he had the snapchat "thumb", and this kik "huge" they fitted his appearance perfectly.
Bump, still wanting to know any else's opinion on this. Thanks-

Def no. I know he only takes AGC, but it isnt worth 200$. 150$ max.
Don't deal with him, He is nothing but a liar and a scammer.

hes trying to scam you delete and block him
Recoveries said:
hes trying to scam you delete and block him

Lmao. that nigga "Gary" is one of the biggest scammers of all time. don't fw him.
product said:
Lmao. that nigga "Gary" is one of the biggest scammers of all time. don't fw him.

I've delt with him before. in trades, hes the biggest scammer, correct. But when it comes down to cash, he is legit. he just blew his rep because he never sold shit.
You'd be Ripped the fuck off lmfaooo. I'd say around 60 max
Nigga about to get scammed.
Pay him $100-50.
Is this guy honestly a knownner!? Just wanting a couple more opinions and who this guy is really.
Don't deal with that fuckboy, he's just trying to rip you hard. $40 MAX is what I would pay, nothing more.