How did the fact that you and your fucking little faggot idiot friend getting turboed make him a scammer? I really despise you fucking morons with a passion that's indescribable. The closest thing that could correlate to my depictions of you new kids is the slaughtering of family members. You're all that fucking atrocious.
1. This is offsite, nothing can be done.
2. It's completely his fault it got turbod.
3. He didn't scam.
4. This is in the wrong section and shouldn't even be a thing because he didn't scam, he had no control over it getting turbod, and even if he did turbo it I don't give a shit.
5. Fuck you busta.
I remember paying 30$ for the @Treehouse when it was "worth 10" when it was obviously worth 50 and it got turboed from me rip. only time i've been turboed.