Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | Always Open

RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Hey what's the GT on the very last tag you added?
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

M40A3 said:
How did your PP get messed up and yes people would go that high you are pretty much giving this acc away

I know the acc is worth much more but i don`t want to go any higher really.
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Nice gamertags Kitty , thanks for posting proof , good luck selling these gamertags , i perosnally love Weed day , so catchy
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Shadow said:
Nice gamertags Kitty , thanks for posting proof , good luck selling these gamertags , i perosnally love Weed day , so catchy

Thanks so much .I used that account for 4/20 and that was it.
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Hey on the last account, what is the gamertag?
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

I bought a gamertag from this guy LEGITer than ever middle maning need Got My Vouch!!
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Req said:
I bought a gamertag from this guy LEGITer than ever middle maning need Got My Vouch!!

Thank you Req.We are going to open up our GT shop soon
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

youre dumb is pretty a pretty funny tag. GLWS
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Rat said:
youre dumb is pretty a pretty funny tag. GLWS

Thank you man appreciate it.
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Kitty said:
Thank you Req.We are going to open up our GT shop soon

Why would you want to do a GT shop with someone else?I thought you were doing fine on your own.
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

M40A3 said:
Why would you want to do a GT shop with someone else?I thought you were doing fine on your own.

I`m not sure if i am going to keep it as us both or if i will do it at all,but Req is a really nice guy and has some nice tags he can help contribute.
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Bro you there im intresteed in unt
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

Kitty said:
I have no tag called unt...

The way you cut it where it says My Account You cut it a little too far
RE: Kitty`s Gamertag Shop | New tags Daily

M40A3 said:
The way you cut it where it says My Account You cut it a little too far

I noticed that
Cheap prices for some cheap accounts , good luck selling these
Ill trade you 1600 for all of them, msg me a xbox, gt chewier
juqa you might get about 25$, the others you might get a quarter for the gumball machine... 2 words are not semi, words with prefixes and sufixes on them are semi, like the one account i sold was Garnished, thats semi
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