Koin Giveaway #4

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Ponyo said:
LMAO @rare and yee I want wait my old internet was complete ass @spoilt

in the past six or so months we've had 4 separate ISP's my dad always gets sick of shitty internet lmao
@caskey who is it exactly? I have no clue honestly.
Same @rare I'm tired asf now and @spoilt that sounds terrible I had one ISP for 2 years and we couldn't get rid of them because they were all that came to my neighborhood
I just need like 3 more posts or some shit, I lost count. @ponyo
Ponyo said:
Same @rare I'm tired asf now and @spoilt that sounds terrible I had one ISP for 2 years and we couldn't get rid of them because they were all that came to my neighborhood

to be fair they were fast but not fast enough because it gets used almost 24/7
Idek what I need anymore @rare and mine was just trash I always got kicked out bo3 servers @spoilt
Ponyo said:
Idek what I need anymore @rare and mine was just trash I always got kicked out bo3 servers @spoilt

the first two I had would make it lag a bit, then my last one before this one never lagged but wasn't fast enough on laptop or phone etc so I'm hoping this one is so fast on cod
You got a good amount of posts today, good job. More tomorrow? Good night either way. @ponyo
@spoilt I still have no idea lol, but probably. @caskey
Well at least everything's Gucci now @spoilt and yeah I need to shower and get stuff done @rare night
Sounds like a plan, thanks for the help. @ponyo
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