One you get used to them, they are very beneficial. I noticed a difference in about 2 weeks. My shot became so much better, and I was able to kill people across the map with the UMP in about 4 shots. I suggest getting a pair for yourself, if you haven't already. My suggestion is to only use one and have it on the left stick.
used them for a while now. I cant play Xbox without them, deadass. I will NOT play Cod, Halo etc. without them. I need them, they are one witht he controller.
Seriously doe, I dont know if they improve you gaming a whole lot but they feel great once you get use to them.
Yes yes yes, if you play on PS, and get the kontrol freeks, they are much more comfortable - that of the XBOX analogs, and overall response and handling is improved.
KontrolFreeks aren't going to boost some nub gamer into #mlg, but they will give the average gamer better performance, because the button, I guess, is designed to improve the controller.