LDR over 1 year


Power member.
LDR - Long distance relationship

I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now. Many people doubted us, doubted that we'd last past a month or two. We've called, facetimed, etc. Normal things you'd do with any relationship. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to meet yet due to money being tight & the distance. It's not super far, but it's far enough to where the plane tickets are expensive & driving is as well. I've been searching for a job since January, applied to several & even called to tell them how interested in working for them. I've been denied by all jobs I've applied for & I feel I'm starting to give up.  I have many credentials. I've taken many classes, courses & anything needed to get a better chance at a job. I just feel luck isn't on my side. Not sure what to do. She's trying her best to get me there as well, but I feel I should be doing this myself. I'm the man of the relationship & I shouldn't be allowing her to do anything. I know relationships are two people, not one. I just think that females shouldn't have to worry about income, money, expenses, etc. Maybe I'm too nice? I'm not sure. Anyways, any advice on getting out of this 'slump' of feeling this way? I'm trying my hardest to get enough funds to go meet her, but it seems everything I do, backfires & I'm not meant to do it. Any advice helps, thank you.
i feel you man.. a lot of people talk shit about LD dating but as long as you're happy thats all that matters. Honestly, dont know really how i could help but since i know how it feels needing to see that person IRL already hmu if you ever need anything. I dont know if i can help at all but yea...
Hope all goes well from this point on fam.
My advice for you fam is if it's been over a year, there's no point in giving up and thinking about the time that you've spent with her should just make you more determined to meet her.

As for the job situation, I know how it feels, especially in todays economy jobs really are not the easiest things to find, however you should broaden your options and maybe apply for something you wouldn't normally do? A good thing to ask also is to get a review from the companies you are applying for, like the strengths & weaknesses of your CV or like if you had a meeting what they feel you could improve on. Being rejected is all a part of the process fam, you'll get there eventually, everyone does.

I wish the best for you and her man, you can tell you really want to see her
Thank you, I appreciate any form of help. Just have to figure it out slowly I guess.

I appreciate this. It's not that I'm giving up on meeting her, that will never happen, it's the job part. You're right though, maybe I need to apply to different jobs than I'm comfortable with. Money is money in the end & if I need to work a shitty job for awhile, might as well do it now.
@Jordn At the end of the day you aren't gonna walk into a company and be the big boss straight away, you have to start from the bottom and work your way up. You get the point, money is money, and even if you're on the minimum wage it's still a bit of money coming in and every little bit helps
The 'today's economy' argument isn't really relevant, truthfully.  In situations such as this, it's usually the person sets higher standards for them self, refuses a lower paying, less desirable job, then complains about still needing money.  

However, OP, I can promise you, if it's not out of country (you said it isn't incredibly far) it's not going to take much to drive there, unless, I suppose, you drive a trashcan.  My nephew drove from St. Louis to Tennessee and back alone with $40 on him because his girl was on vacation.  I'm about to drive to drive to Florida, as I did last year, and likely spend around $100 on gas in a V8 Jeep... Soo....
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