1350 Elo
70+ champs
20+ skins
300+ wins
A lot of runes
5 rune pages
If I remember correctly, has 1000+ rp left on it too.
Well over $500 has been put into this account. I have a new computer right now and don't have LoL installed, if a trusted member wants to login to my account and take screenshots for me I will gladly appreciate it.
I will take $75 for this account, or 200m rsgp. Prices might be negotiable.
Pretty sure you can get to 1350 in under 10 games. If you come across any other accounts in EUW or EUNE that have no games played on them in ranked send them my way and I'll buy them.
What the fucking shit, I go to edit my post and this comes up??
This theme still has bugs, you can edit your post without all the div things coming up.