Hello there Mawk, My name is Noble and i'd like to tell you how i got into pking.
First, i started runescape back in 04-05 and i was a real noob until i came across pking.
As i saw many people beasting it up in the wilderness especially Kids Ranq and pures like that i thought to myself, man i'd like to be one of those guys.
I started my first Berserker pure called Mr sk11lz, it was a skiller but as i got all my skills to 60 i decided to make it a pure, and once i had reached adamant gloves with 50 attack 85 range 85 strength and 13 prayer with all the good quests done i got bored, so i wrecked it got barrows gloves with 45 defence and sold it for alot of money.
after this i starting making different types of pures, like an obby maul pure (PurifiedMaul) 80 str 1 attack 60 hp, didn't like it so i wrecked it and got 45 defence 75 attack and made it an ags zerk. sold it.
then i started getting into Servers, and the first server i played was Runelife, but it got shutdown and reopened as Divinisation, i made my account and some of my mates from school played it so i started pking and learnt how to brid just basic 3 item switches.
every since that day i ahd started bridding and now im up to 6 items try play on reckless pk