Legit 10 Year Tenure! PROOF

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Thanks. Fiend II isnt my original account. I was actually an XBOX LIVE! beta tester and my original GT was just Fiend. Too bad some other dipshit stolen that one last year. They probably sold that one on this site too. I have many friends that work for Microsoft, so this guy is soooo busted. I think he might have just changed the GT, but I have screen shots of everything so he can do whatever he wants.

Hear that knock at your door yet son??
Good luck with this sale cutie no homo

If you have SO many friends working at Microsoft why haven't you got your original tag back? Kid just leave this site.
InsaneYo said:
If you have SO many friends working at Microsoft why haven't you got your original tag back? Kid just leave this site.

So how did you steal it, just curious?
You Are Busted said:
So how did you steal it, just curious?

C'mon Eric, I thought you and your MS buddies would have known by now.

I work for Xbawkz and I dun hecked ur account.
InsaneYo said:
C'mon Eric, I thought you and your MS buddies would have known by now.

I work for Xbawkz and I dun hecked ur account.
Haha lol, Btw I sent you a msg on live. -Decision
Wait, just out of curiosity if you do work for ms.. You really need to fix your grammar.
Hey bud, if you just give it back to me Ill drop everything, last chance.

I would highly discourage anyone from buying this account. First, you are buying a stolen account, second, I will just be getting it back soon anyway, so you won't have anything to show for the money you will be spending.

Why would people want to buy someone else's account anyway? Don't understand that part. Is it because you want a bigger ePenis?

My ePenis is quite large actually. You never proved that you actually own this account. It's mine Broski, I dun made it back in '02

You jelly of my account?
^Sounds like your not going to get it back.. And proof of ownership would be nice or no one will believe you..

If you are going to get it back soon, why would you want me to give it to you? -.- lmao.

This is funny.
Here is one thing. My name is ERIC as InsaneYo said. How would he know that if he did not steal my account? Tell me that? The name on FIEND II was ERIC before he changed it to FORUMKORNER.
You Are Busted said:
Here is one thing. My name is ERIC as InsaneYo said. How would he know that if he did not steal my account? Tell me that? The name on FIEND II was ERIC before he changed it to FORUMKORNER.

What a ridiculous statement without any sort of proof.

So Nick how are you doing today?

Totally not some fag who is mad at this user multi accounting. GLWS
He could have just modded it you guys.

OP, show the billing history, that proves if its a 10 year or not.
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