legit high prestige w/ gold.


Gamertag: llllllllllWoody

Stats: 7th prestige level 26 in BO2
1.74 KD
Live until July 25th, 2013
80 MSP
7,322 GS
2 Year tenure
8th prestige, 75 in MW3
Halo Reach GOD
High ranks in other COD games but I don't own them anymore so I can't check exact ranks.

account never used to boost, not even a single game I would often ask him to boost but he refused.

Reason for selling: My friend gave me this account (his main) when he sold his Xbox but my main ran out of gold so I could use the money.

how much are u tryin to get out of this?
Yoshi said:
how much are u tryin to get out of this?

Sorry forgot to put a price, but $25. Would also take a 3 month or 1600 MSP.
Ill buy this for 25 right now, But we will use a MiddleMan
SilentGodz said:
I'll give you $25 right now but i would like a middle man

I have to leave for work in 10 minutes, if you can hold onto the money till about 11:30pm EST. I'll be back online and ready.
Latency said:
I have to leave for work in 10 minutes, if you can hold onto the money till about 11:30pm EST. I'll be back online and ready.

Ok i'm EST as well so that cool
Bump. Willing to let this go right now for 2 48 hour trials or a 1 month. Really need live for my main.
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