The stats on the account:
To download this, you must download from the link below, and PM me the code within it and include your # (1-40) inside of it.
The account has about 1m on it.
It has tons of members items, and it is from '08-'09, so you login with username.
Requirements (From HF):
Positive rep.
50+ post.
Member for more then 30 days.
Requirements (From RuneGear):
Positive rep.
25+ post.
Member for more then 15 days.
Please like this post!
To download this, you must download from the link below, and PM me the code within it and include your # (1-40) inside of it.
The account has about 1m on it.
It has tons of members items, and it is from '08-'09, so you login with username.
18. Who is Tony [HF]
Positive rep.
50+ post.
Member for more then 30 days.
Requirements (From RuneGear):
Positive rep.
25+ post.
Member for more then 15 days.
Please like this post!