Looking for 3-7 letter ORIGINAL GT [Buying]


Hey guys I'm new on here, just checking around, seems like a cozy website :) I was just wondering if anyone wants to sell any 3-7 letter words, preferably Adjectives. Something like "Lovely", "Mellow", "Style", "Blanks". (Letter "s" at the end is ok).

I'm not looking for "Sweepiest" or "Willowy" something like that. Just plain and simple, that looks really good. An REALLY og GamerTag. Will pay good if I find something I like. (~100$ or so, depending on the GT)

Looking forward getting to know you guys :) now, make my day! Cheers from Sweden.

I have Tautly if your interested and I have plenty more I am pming to you right now.
tuffguy2006 said:
I have Tautly if your interested and I have plenty more I am pming to you right now.

No thank you. I'd like an actual word that is somewhat commonly used. Thanks anyway.
I have a 7 letter (very good) with live until 2015. Offer
Pm me and I will tell you the gamertag.
Leafs said:
Pm me and I will tell you the gamertag.

I PM'd you for like 5 hours ago. Please respond.
Oh shoot, I just realized that I posted that twice. Soz.
Jon said:
Bones is a semi due to the s..
I know, but I wrote in the first post that I don't mind if you put an "s" at the end. It still looks very good and original.