Looking for 3 Letter/3 Char


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Well since i dont have the funds to buy an OG im just gonna go back to what ive always had.

Im looking for a 3 Letter or 3 Character gamertag.

Things i Like:
WL7 (first to own on FK)
Fu9 (i want this back)

Im interested in anything so just offer c:
What are you willing to trade/spend?
Goodluck with getting a nice tag.
I hope you find a nice, respectable gamertag.
Try get a three char that doesn't have AIDS...
Do not deal for the tag "M5Y" it is the new "a 3"
The owners skype is matthewj.thornton
His FK name is: Harold88 or Harold888. forget.

If I come across a 3 letter, i will hyu first :)
Fakie said:
Not looking anymore, i got what i needed.

He's not after one any more guys. OP I suggest you close this thread.