Looking for 3 letter tag!


Skype me at Steamify and we can make a deal! I want either an OG tag or a three letter. I will pay for them.
Chill said:
Probably not a good idea to deal offsite, make sure to have a Middleman and a safe payment option.
Do u have any OG tags for sale. I have $20 and am looking for a three letter or a OG tag.
Steamify said:
Do u have any OG tags for sale. I have $20 and am looking for a three letter or a OG tag.

I'll be honest here, $20 won't even get you a default tag.

You may need to higher your funds before finding something that you can buy.
Steamify said:
Do u have any OG tags for sale. I have $20 and am looking for a three letter or a OG tag.

You may be able to get a three character if the seller is looking for a quick sale, but not a three letter.
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