Looking for a semi GT


Looking to buy a semi Gamertag

Looking to spend up to the max $30

PM if you have anything around that price range Thanks
Finest said:
you wont get a semi og for 30 lel

Incorrect, I bought the gamertag Professors 2 weeks ago for $25 and flipped it for $125
Av8 said:
Incorrect, I bought the gamertag Professors 2 weeks ago for $25 and flipped it for $125

then you bought it from a mental patient.
Finest said:
then you bought it from a mental patient.

No I bought it for what it was worth, I'm just a godlike salesman.
Av8 said:
Incorrect, I bought the gamertag Professors 2 weeks ago for $25 and flipped it for $125

I could go up to $45-$50 depending on what it is.
safety said:
I could go up to $45-$50 depending on what it is.

No I don't have a tag, I was just letting him know that it's very much possible for you to get a tag with that budget.
Av8 said:
No I don't have a tag, I was just letting him know that it's very much possible for you to get a tag with that budget.

Thanks Hope to find something around that price soon.
hey i got the gt Bo*ySlams lol
Av8 said:
Incorrect, I bought the gamertag ******** 2 weeks ago for $25 and flipped it for $125

Can you remove that gamertag from your post please? I may be getting it.

Finest said:
then you bought it from a mental patient.

Can you remove the GT from the quote. I get paranoid with this stuff lol.