UPDATE: I am now looking for a sick three letter OG, or a good four letter one. You could also offer me OGs that are longer than that, but I want them to be sick. I am still offering $130 or MORE for tags like these.
Hello, this will be my first time posting on this forum. I am looking for an OG gamertag that is not too long (one that is good for Cod feeds) and sounds sick. I am offering up to $130 for a tag like this. Of course if I see someone offer up a good tag that I really want I am willing to raise that price.
Note: I know I just joined recently, I am not planning on collecting a ton of OGs and making a profit. All I want is a nice sick OG because I play a lot of Cod and I like getting feeds (my current gamertag is WAY too long for that) I am hoping to buy an OG from a respected and known seller/member.