Looking for a SMALL amount of AGC


Power member.
I got banned from Amazon back in February.

I tried buying something Friday with my debit card and they said they will put a hold on my account until I provide all my info (Name, phone, address, etc.) they haven't replied yet.

But I was wondering if I could use AGC instead of my debit card so I'm looking for a small amount that I can buy. I want to get a small amount first so that I won't waste all my money and still not be able to use Amazon.

I don't know if I'm blacklisted fully or it's just my bank account.

Sorry it this doesn't make any sense.​
I would suggest maybe asking a friend around you're area to make an amazon account and use his house as a drop. That is what i'm doing right now and it's working out
Crack said:
I would suggest maybe asking a friend around you're area to make an amazon account and use his house as a drop. That is what i'm doing right now and it's working out

I'll try that. I just used gyft and waiting for my card to process.
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