Looking for botted Instagram followers..


Power member.
I am looking for a LARGE amount.. like 60,000-100,000. I'm not expecting these to run much because they just need to be bots. I don't need "high-quality" bots, either.

Let me know.
How much do you offer? I might get 60,000. I have two accounts. One with 10,000 and one with 1,000.
Brigadier said:
How much do you offer? I might get 60,000. I have two accounts. One with 10,000 and one with 1,000.
I don't offer. I want cheap followers and will just wait until someone offers me something I deem fair.
Sector said:
I'm don't offer. I want cheap followers and will just wait until someone offers me something I deem fair.

Fine. I'll get to you with a price if I get these accounts.
I do not have enough posts to PM but I do a lot of SM stuff over @ HF and I can help you.
PM me.
Trusted @Sector member in Fk. Good Luck bro