Looking for clan of 72ishes


User is banned.
Looking for some people who want to go PKing with me.

My stats are:

60 attack
99 Str
1 Def
69 Range
33 Mage
I'm lvl 61 me and my lvl 61 friend can come pk with u on Tuesday
Look at my pure progress thread, when I get my goal stats I should be around 70ish.
Well I'm the leader of a pure clan called Control. We have around 100 active members and we pk every day. We go on official events saturday+sunday with around 60 people and it's really fun. Here's our YouTube channel...


Pm me if you want our forum/IRC because I think it's against the rules to post the information publically.
Electriq, what level is the clan? Also OP I have 3 other friends from school we are level 75s with 2 of us 99 range and i'm 99 str. PM me if you want to go with us.
53 right here if u wanna go deep
I'm a 75 on my main, but my stats are pretty balanced, imho. =/
I'd be happy o join, though. =)
My stats are balanced too.. which sucks
I'm currently a lvl 49 pure, once i get 99 str I'll be around your level :p
I wouldn't pk with you. No offense you would be useless in multi. Train your range and mage up.
rebel said:
I wouldn't pk with you. No offense you would be useless in multi. Train your range and mage up.
gmaul/claw spec? l0l