Looking for Evaluation on some Usernames

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Onyx user!
Hi! I was wondering if people here could provide me with their opinion on some usernames I have over different social network accounts, here they are:

Insta: @_7c (Random but 3 characters none the less)

I have another account that has 2.5k Followers, but their activity is unknown as I haven't posted in 53 weeks on it.

Snap: JheneA*ko (Hint: it's an "I")

Keek: Ch*ldishGambino (Another "I)
I don't see much value in any of these. The Keek could sell to the right buyer, but Keek isn't quite what you'd call desirable. Sorry.
They're all worthless in my eyes. However, if the IG somehow gets decent stats when uploading a photo, you could probably make $3 - $5 off it.
Prehaps a test should be in order on the stat account. If it gets a satisfactory amount of likes on every upload i may have a friend that will be interested. Until then GLWS buddy!
Probably not that much. If the IG gets a good amount of likes per post though, it could be worth a little
3 character worth nothing, snapchat worth nothing, keek isn't big so not worth anything

Stat account (if it gets around 70 likes per picture) could sell for like $6
I knew my names were bad but i ain't know they were pretty much trash LMAO.
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