Looking for legit OG


Im relatively new here, and I only plan on buying one OG that I can use to play with (I'm a one-GT type of guy).

One word GT's preferred, but willing to consider semis as well.

Willing to spend upwards of $400 on a single GT.

email - jwjohnson838@yahoo.com
Xbox - Atheizer

Sorry, I don't have AIM or any online messaging, but I check my above accounts daily.

Have PP, buy have never used MP(?) before, but willing to learn if need be.

Some examples of GT's that I really want:

Thank you!
$400 is plenty for a good gamertag.
Good luck finding one!
And always make sure you use a MM, so you don't get scammed!
Dont spend $400 on a tag. If u get scammes it would suck a good $200-$250 will get u a nice tag. Good Luck
Sorry for my "noobishness," but what does MM stand for?
Middleman. Where lets say u want to buy a tag then the sellr gives the middleman hisbtag and u give him $ and hes gives u tje tag and the seller the $. Make sure hes trusted to
I have the GT: Cheaper
HMU if this interests you.
Supra said:
I have the GT: Cheaper
HMU if this interests you.

Eh, not really. It would be cool if it was "Cheater."

Any others?
Look around the pages on here, I'm sure you'll find one you like
LOL $400 for a tag and you want tags like "Squirter"? I sold that piece of shit tag for $15.
OG Mudbone said:
LOL $400 for a tag and you want tags like "Squirter"? I sold that piece of shit tag for $15.

I said willing to pay up to $400--no need to be a dick about it.

And to the above poster: I have browsed around the forums, and there aren't any tags available that suit my taste much. Just wondering if other members have tags that aren't shown on these boards.

Hit up Lethal or Sean Taylor.
I've heard they have sick tags.
Lethal wont let you down, he's got millions

Well if you're interested and actually have that budget I'm selling the GTs Inspire, Harpoon, Diagonal, Bentley, etc. HMU
Squirter was sold on here not too long ago.

Message the User: Slacker.

I sold it to him last time i knew the whereabouts.
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