Looking for Longterm JV / Investors - Real Business = Real Money!

I'm looking for a some people who are interested in investing / becoming a joint venture on a business I plan to open with a small team who are in the same mindset as I am.

I'm here to make money, and making money with a team = more $ for all of us together and less work.

Running a business wouldn't be easy starting alone so I wanna make a team that is equal.

Positions needed:

- Web Coder (HTML & CSS & PHP & MySQL Knowledge) [ I have found a base code we will use, just need some extra functions integrated into the php script ]
- Web Designer (Photoshop & Illustrator (& or) Flash Knowledge) [ The website php script is pretty customizable and I'm not looking for anything too fancy just sleek / elegant / simple / & fast loading ]
- Server Administrator (Knowledge in VPS / Dedicated Servers. Windows or Linux OS) [ I'm familiar with servers but I need someone else who can help manage and make sure it stays up without problems, and delete files that are against the TOS ]

If you are interested in joining the team and have funds to invest please post / pm me. I'm serious about this and will explain more of it directly to who ever is interested.
RE: Looking for Longterm JV / Investors

I can help with Server Administrator, I have a fair bit of knowledge with Windows and a little with Linux :)
RE: Looking for Longterm JV / Investors

Sounds good, as long as we find a web designer and a web coder and some people to invest some money we'll be good to go. I'm waiting on a check from my lawyer for a previous car accident and I'm supposed to get a few thousand dollars back and I plan on investing about $1k into this project but need about $200 as of right now to get the core project started.

I will be putting money towards marketing / advertising as well as register a legal business name in the United States. Also, purchase copyrights / trademarks for our logos.
RE: Looking for Longterm JV / Investors

Nightmare said:
Sounds good, as long as we find a web designer and a web coder and some people to invest some money we'll be good to go. I'm waiting on a check from my lawyer for a previous car accident and I'm supposed to get a few thousand dollars back and I plan on investing about $1k into this project but need about $200 as of right now to get the core project started.

I will be putting money towards marketing / advertising as well as register a legal business name in the United States. Also, purchase copyrights / trademarks for our logos.

How old are you?
I may be able to help with web design/coding. Shoot me a pm with details on what you're planning to do? I'm interested but want to see if it's something I'm willing to put effort into and stick with. :)
Well it seems like you are asking for $200 from us first, kind of sounds like a scam.

Deal with at your own risk.
I've already purchased the core script, domain name, and hosting. Why would I try to scam? $200 is an investment to pay for a PHP coder if we don't have one. And I'm going to add more funds from my pocket as well.

And its not like you'll send me $200 to my pp directly, you can hold onto it and make the purchases for me if you think I'm going to take your money. I rather make more money in the long run, on auto pilot with a monthly income that I know could reach over $3k/month rather than someones $200 that would last me 2 days than be gone.