Looking for Luv Spaced


Power member.
Im looking for the gt L u v Spaced.. does anyone know who has it?
its mine and never ever gonna sell it sorry man

feel free to offer but like i said ant gonna sell
Frozen said:
its mine and never ever gonna sell it sorry man

awww mannn that sucks because that's the sexy space tag i seen thus far !! =p
Well frozen i hate you now! lol Jk its a sexy tag thats why i wanted it. i guess Close thread because frozen isnt getting rid of it!
Frozen said:
Heard he got offered 500 for L o v e and turned it down but S afe pretty good

Who dafuq would pay 500 for a spaced tag?
I luv my tag l u v sorry guys its mine and frozens..mostly mine. Feel free to add me though. Ill accept your FRs