Looking for mains with DLC.


I'm looking for a sick main with lots of DLC's on it, don't offer me something that's worth under 40. I also have a 3 letter tag to trade to whoever would like.
I have a 5 year for sale if you're interested.
Check out my thread.
I have two stacked main accounts, both are Semi's as well.
PM me.
Still looking for a DLC account, mainly with FULL games. I have a sick 3 letter to trade, or a DBZ tag to trade. LMK!
Looper said:
Dragon Ball Z what the fuck nigga you never watched it?
He meant What is the DBZ tag nigga hes watched it BOOM LOOP LOOP LOOPER POOPER SCOOPER!
Looper said:
Dragon Ball Z what the fuck nigga you never watched it?

My nigga i been watching DBZ since you were still on the nipple. You are probably one of them DBZ GT kiddies :) jk bro
Slacker said:
My nigga i been watching DBZ since you were still on the nipple. You are probably one of them DBZ GT kiddies :) jk bro

i was jking idc if you watch it or not lol ive never watched it and OP knows i havent thats why i posted it fuck my jokes arent funny
I have a pretty good main. HMU if you are still looking